Girl Name | Meaning |
Faaghira | Variant of Faghira: Jasmine flower. |
Faajal | Accomplished, Bountiful grace |
Faakhira | Variant of Fakhira: Glorious. Magnificent. |
Faal | Oracle, Fruit |
Faalgunee | Day of Full Moon |
Faaria | Tall, pretty |
Faariha | Happy, Joyful, Cheerful, Glad, Delighted |
Faatin | Captivating |
Faatina | Captivating |
Faatinah | Variant of Fatinah: Captivating. Alluring. Enchanting. Fascinating. Charming. |
Faazila | Virtuous, Honest, Excellent |
Fabia | Feminine form of Fabio: bean farmer. |
FABIANA | feminine form of Fabio (bean farmer) |
Fabianna | Feminine variant of Fabian from the Roman family name Fabius. |
Fabianne | Feminine variant of Fabian from the Roman family name Fabius. |
Fabienne | Feminine variant of Fabian from the Roman family name Fabius. Bean grower |
Fabina | God |
Fabiola | Bean grower |
Fabliha | Excellent |
Fabra | Feminine variant of Fabian from the Roman family name Fabius. |
Fadeelah | Virtuous, Outstanding, Superior, Cultured and refined |
Fadheela | Virtue |
Fadheeler | Variant of Fadhiler: Virtue. Excellence. |
Fadhila | Outstanding |
Fadhiler | Virtue. Excellence.; A virtuous woman |
Fadhiya | Gorgeous |
Fadia | Savior, Redeemer |
Fadila | generous and distinguished |
Fadilah | Virtue; Virtuous. Outstanding. Superior. Cultured and refined. |
Fadiyah | Redeemer, Self sacrificing |
Fadwa | Name derived from self-sacrifice. |
Fadwah | Name derived from self-sacrifice |
Fadyaa | Sacrificing |
Fae | Variant of Faith. Confidence: trust: belief. |
Faeezah | Leader, Successful |
Faeiqa | Superb. Excellent. |
Faekah | Wise |
Faerie | Tall. Pretty. |
Faeryn | From the fairies. |
Faethe | Faerie Friend. A name of high honor in gaelic mythos. |